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Life's Just Networking, Programme 09/03/10

Milk Man + Q/A
Written and Directed by James Rumsey

A neurotic voyeur's late night quest for a carton of milk forces him to confront what he is capable of, what that means for his future, and the girl next door.

A Beard Film + QA
Written and Directed by Ian Robertson

An animation about abnormal ablutions.

The Girl With Stories In Her Hair + QA
Directed and Animated by Phoebe Boswell

The city sleeps as the artist shuffles slowly to the warm red glow of the dingy brothel. Inside, young Odette has her hair combed in preparation of the next sad fool waiting below. The familiar tug of the comb and she’s a child again. All stories on earth exist in that hair, her mother would say...
Based on Edgar Degas’ painting, ‘La Coiffure’.

A Year of Your Love + QA
Written and Directed by Richard Edwards

Glimpses of hope, loss and happiness, A Year of Your Love paints the story of driven, Central African Ina and the needy, English Andy. Two very different souls embarking on a tentative relationship, can their love flourish and survive in spite of who they are?

How It's Done + Q/A
Written and Directed by Michael O'Kelly

How It's Done sets out to remind us how ludicrous our own petty struggles can be. A Pathetic Protagonist (Steve Furst) is trying to read on the night bus home. An attractive woman (Nina Conti) sits behind him, also reading. A young and thoroughly blinged young man (Simon Manyonda) sits at the back and attempts to entice the lady...

And Presenting Their New Projects:
James Rumsey
Richard Edwards
Michael O'Kelly