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Life's Just Networking, Programme 08/02/11

Keeper + QA
Written by and Starring Benjamin Green

'It's 11:55pm.... Stephen wants the truth, Samson wants a reckoning and both will fight to get it. In the end, only Stephen can answer the most important question: Is he his brother's keeper?'

Follow the Legs + QA
Directed and Animated by Rafi Nizam

Follow the Legs is a music visual designed, directed and animated by Rafi for the song of the same name by osymyso. The film explores the concept of collage in the medium of animation. Winner of the 2009 Bitfilm Award and official selection at 2010 Encounters Short Film Festival.

Written and Directed by Flynn Eccles

Absent allows us into a journey of contemplation and reflection, undertaken by the lost and isolated protagonist, as he attempts to make peace with himself in order to move on.

Besties + QA
Directed by Kieran Lynn

An unlikely friendship occurs, but will it stand the test of time?

Toothless + QA
Written and Directed by Steven Dorrington

A mockumentary following the Toothfairy’s transformation as she resorts to inventive but unethical methods of tooth collection in her heinous quest for a better life.

And Presenting Their New Projects:
Benjamin Green
Steven Dorrington
Tim Berry